An Adventure

Two friends of mine and I decided to take a little weekend get away at the end of July! We went to a city 2hrs away from us, stayed at a beautiful Inn, went to a waterfall and had a blast. Unfortunetly our return trip was rather eventful.... missing buses, being incredibly late, standing in the bus the whole trip home and lastly to top it all off I girl on the bus tossed her previously eaten lunch all over me... This was truly an unforgetable vacation!!!

this is the entrace to the inn

Here we are in our room...

Enjoying some good food...

hanging out together....

finally we arrive.... almost whole!
It's been a long time
Hey there friends,
Sorry it's been so long since my last post. This year has been a very full year. I am currently teaching English (ESL) at a Baptist school and I also have three private students groups. I am enjoying teaching very much... below are pictures of my some of my students....

These is a group of teens I taugh last semester... a really silly bunch!

These are my 5th grade students... they are all full of energy!!!
The Super Bowl

Last night was the Super Bowl, and finally my team, the Steelers, was playing. I know that as a missionary you aren't suposed to impose your culture on others, but sometimes some of what you are "rubs" off on others... so after a season long of sharing about the Steelers here in the land of soccer, there now are in Belo Horizonte, Brazil a group of Steelers fans. As true for most Steelers fans they are "die hard" ones, with the three hour time-zone difference the game didn't start until 9:30 PM here, but those fans where not intimidaded by the time. The showed up early for the party and stayed until the end, watching the whole game in English, even though none of them really spoke english - Rachel and I had to help by translating the game for them. They all enjoyed the game very much and chanted "let's go Steelers" as the game went on. It was a great night, lots of fun and of course the win just made it extra special!!!
It's been one year
Today is the aniversary of my arrival here in Belo. I can't believe that it has only been a year, it seems so much more than that. And in this year that has past, so much has happend, so much has changed and God has done so much in me and through me.
I will never forget that first day here. I was picked up at the airport by friends, I had so much luggage it's a miracle it all made it. I went to my sister's house, and later that day all these people showed up for a suprise welcome home party. There were old friends, some I've known since I was a kid, there where new friends I had met durring my visits to Brazil in previous years and then there were even people I didn't know. I will never forget that day, nor the faces as they stood there and sang to me. What a special way to welcome me back, needless to say I can't remeber ever felling so welcome.
Today that welcome still remains, I can feel it in evey greeting, in every hug, in every set of three kisses (the offcial brazilian greeting), in every smile, in every story they tell me, in every conversation I have. I am welcome here, not as an outsider, one who comes to observe, but I am welcome here as one that belongs, who has a special place, one who will always have a place here. I am so thankful that God has chosen this place to be my home for this time. It is trully a precious gift from God to me.
Thursday Night was Spagetti Night

Thrusday Night we gathered up some friends and made a huge big pot of

This was our kichen help.... they made some great food...

Everyone ate... there was plenty to go around...

Polly and I helped serve the food and soda...

Then there was the faithful clean up crew... it was a very special night, a great time of fellowship with friends.
You would think saying good bye would get easier...

Today we took my parents to the airport after their month-long visit in Brazil. Now in my life I have had to say good bye at least 27 times to a family member, but still every time we say good bye that heart wrenching pain is there.
I'm not complaining, believe me, I understand how each good bye produces a far greater reward in my life than I could ever imagine at that moment. I am lucky, I know, I've said many "good byes" but they all are followed by a "hello" sometime later, while some have to say good bye forever. In the old days when missionaries went out into the field they took their possessions in coffins, knowing only their bodies would return. Today it is a different story; we have the option to fly just as frequent as our pockets allow us. But still the pain of separation, even if only for months or even a few years breaks my heart.
I am a part of such a priviledged family, we have in each other friends, I consider each one a true friend. The kind of friend that holds up our arms when needed, that will laugh when we laugh and cry when we cry, a friend that will choose to say the truth and point us in the right direction. So, sometimes I wonder, if God made us such great friends, why separate us? The answer is simple, because our friendship isn't limited to time or to space, our friendship is eternal. We don't have to spend every day together, or even special days of the year to keep our friendship going, we are the Proverbs 17:17 kind of friends, even when we are miles apart.
My dad always jokes about how you can choose your friends, but your stuck with your family. I'm gald that God stuck me with
my family because they are the greatest friends I could have ever have chosen.
I love you all very much, Dad, Mom, Dave, Nat, Munga, Pap-pap, Rachel, Reanto, Matthew and Marcus - you have all been true friends to me, and for that and so much more I will always be thankful!
Love you,
To Start Out

Hello Everyone!
I decied to start this blog as a fun way to keep family and friends updated on what is going on in my life, as I continue to Follow God's perfect plan for my life.
Currently that plan has sent me to Brazil, to a beautiful city called Belo Horizonte in the South-east of the contry. I moved here exactly a year ago this January. I live here with my older sister and her family.
I hope you enjoy reading my blogs, comment on them whenever you want and come back again to see my updates.
God Bless,